Posts from the ‘news’ category

SWARM08 – Check it.

SWARM is as it sounds – two frenzied nights of visual and mental stimuli from Vancouver’s visual arts community, it is mixed with food, sound, and…

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Terry talks: Game on! (plus check out our video)

(link to Terry talks) Details are finally here. “Imagine UBC’s most fascinating and engaging students coming together for a day, giving ‘the talk of their lives,’…

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Pope on the environment: ‘Insatiable consumption’ threatening the Earth

Back in March, the Vatican issued a new set of 7 sins for Catholics to adhere to. Included among them was environmental pollution. Well, the Pope…

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UBC just got 2000+ nerds richer.

If you’re on campus this week, you may wonder what all the hullabaloo is going on around the SRC, McInnes Field, and various other buildings.  Well,…

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Here we go again… Speaker invites – know any of these to extend an invitation for tea (or maybe a talk for 1000 or so folks)?

Well, our prospective second speaker looks like it fell through. So the other day, we went through the usual “make a list” rite, and came up…

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Movie Turned Opera: The Fly -or- Egad! I hope Jeff Goldblum makes a cameo

Yes. The Fly. The “mutated mad scientist, Jeff Goldblum, hopping around a loft-turned-laboratory, spitting up stomach acids on to is food while his fingernails and unmentionables…

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Another reason to love the internet: finding out if you neighbour has donated money to a presidential candidate, and how much -or- On the origins of family feuds.

The Huffington Post has created an interactive database of every donation made to the 2008 US presidential candidates that you can peruse at your own leisure.…

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Zero Mile Diet Trend A Provincial Hit?

I’ve been scooped!  From the Tyee: The director of a Vancouver non-profit urban-agriculture group suggests that the eat-local movement may have reached a new tipping point.…

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I have no words…

This article brought tears to my eyes this morning. Weeks away from university graduation, I can’t help thinking about the stereotypes and Islamophobic behaviour that await…

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How To: Avoid using synthetic furniture oils

I was watching something on television recently (I can’t remember the program) where a crew of people were helping families to “green up” their lives. Besides…

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