Pine Beetle Infestation Turns BC Forests into Atmospheric Carbon Source
This just out in Nature: BC researchers estimate the Pine beetle to be responsible for more than 5 times the carbon dioxide emissions released from all…
Read articleDepolarization
The title is a play on words using the idea that global warming is causing the poles to disappear, and all the world is turned into…
Read articleAn In-Depth Examination of the Kyoto Protocol and Viable Next-Steps for Global Climate Change Agreements
The Kyoto Protocol has been accused of possessing “giddy ambition,” as climate scientist David Victor states, for countries to reduce GHG emissions.[1] The most industrialized nations,…
Read articleSENSibility 10: The “Cosmic Ray” Theory of Global Warming Takes a Hit
One of the favourite theories of climate change skeptics is in big trouble. Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark has championed the idea that global warming is not…
Read articleShadows with Water
Mixed Media: X-acto paper cut & collage 15 X 20 (2008) (Click here for a larger version of this piece of artwork)
Read articleScrap Your Car – Buy A Hybrid…or a bus pass, or a bike.
First off, I had no idea this program existed (perhaps because I don’t drive): The Scrap-It Program is working to improve Lower Mainland air quality by…
Read articleSENSibility 9: The Old Ice is Leaving Us
More news from the global “uh oh” file. There is evidence that the old, thick ice of the arctic is melting away faster than previously thought.…
Read articleAttention All “19 Years Old or Older”s – The Gov. BC Wants Your Climate Logo
The BC government announced a contest today for students 19 years of age and older: British Columbia design students are being invited to compete to create…
Read articleClimatology Isn’t Funny. It’s not.
It really isn’t. I’ve looked for it – that little gem of truth no one saw, or could see. There’s nothing to see, see? It’s just…
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How To: Avoid using synthetic furniture oils
By Dave Semeniuk,
I was watching something on television recently (I can’t remember the program) where a crew of people were helping families to “green up” their lives. Besides…
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