Posts from the ‘climate change’ category

Happy New Year! (and keeping it real…)

What better way to keeping it real than showcasing a talk that discusses ways the Earth could end? This one is aptly titled, “10 ways the…

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Synthetic Trees

Could we scrub CO2 out of the atmosphere with synthetic trees? I recently read about this invention. Essentially, it’s a box designed to capture carbon dioxide…

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Blatant Hypocrisy Among Global Warming Skeptics: IPCC Chapter 9

I found this story this morning, an article published on Friday by the Canadian Free Press by global warming skeptics Tom Harris and John McLean (article).…

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And the award goes to… Canada.

Just got this email about the state of negotiations in Bali and how Canada in particular is weighing in: International officials and experts have named Canada…

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“Historical” Research Discovers 1930’s Greenland Glacier Summer Party

photo credit Right now, the 40th annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union is taking place in San Francisco. The Fall meeting consists of around…

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Canada’s shameful performance in Bali

As many of you may know, a rather important conference is taking place this week in Bali, Indonesia. This is a United Nations Climate Change conference,…

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SENSibility 7: Like Fish? Only 50 years left

Do you really like fish? I really like fish. I like fish and chips at Go Fish near Granville island. I used to devour sushi  (before…

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Divorce Your Spouse, Harm The Environment – or – “How an English King Killed The Planet 500 Years Ago”

“Environmental Impacts of Divorce” (pdf here) reads the title of an accepted manuscript soon to be published the highly accoladed journal PNAS (press release) You meet…

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Ketchup, Global Warming, and Why I Love Heists.

I am ketchup. I was first produced en masse by the Heinz Company in 1875. They wanted to make bland American food taste more delicious. I…

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David Bwakali at UBC on December 3rd (CANCELLED)

Note: this talk has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. The UBC Climate Partnership apologizes for any inconveniences caused. O.K. I know that December 3rd is…

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