Posts by Chad Hyson

Canada’s Next Great Prime Minister

It’s election-time! Don’t like your choices? Think you can do a better job than Harper, Dion or Layton? Well…now is your chance to prove it! The…

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Your Summer Dream Job with the Terry Team

As many of you will remember, we were successful in receiving funding through the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) to develop Terry Talks, UBC’s version…

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Sustainability Field Course: The Science and Practice of Sustainability

A Transdisciplinary Field Course offered thru UBC Earth & Ocean Sciences, Friday August 8 until Wednesday August 20 on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia Three…

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Student Directed Seminars – Design Your Own Course

Will you be a 3rd or 4th year UBC student in September 2008? Are you looking for an outstanding learning opportunity? Student Directed Seminars (SDS) offer…

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Student Leadership Conference ’09 Recruiting Executive Planning Committee

Annually, the UBC Student Leadership Conference (SLC) is a venue where over 1,100 students come together to connect and learn. Conference highlights from last year included…

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New Course: Sociology 435 – Perspectives in Global Community Partnership

What are the ethics and what is the impact of volunteering abroad? Sociology 435 provides students an opportunity to deepen their formal preparation for citizenship through…

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Global Health Initiative March Workshop: Saving the World? Misconceptions in Global Aid

Where is the line between foreign aid and volun-tourism? What are the doctor’s roles and boundaries in an international aid setting? How can you get involved?…

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Five Days for the Homeless – UBC Students Blog About Their Experience

If you have walked by the Bookstore this week, you may have wondered who are the individuals that have set up home outside the entrance. They…

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UBC International Week-Feature Documentary: Mystic Ball, with filmmaker Greg Hamilton

I was reviewing the International Week schedule this morning and came across the featured documentary Mystic Ball. From the short description I was intrigued to learn…

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Share Your Student Experience with the B.C. Government

Here is a great opportunity to share your experience as a university student in British Columbia and how you would like to see that experience change.…

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