(We have a winner!) New Terry blog game (leave a comment and maybe you’ll win a book!)
(Note: We have a winner – the magic number was comment 2096 and that happens to be Hilary. Congrats!)
O.K. so after paying a somewhat pricey fee, I’ll be going to attend TEDactive this February. This isn’t actually the TED conference, but rather a networking opportunity where you get to watch the TED talks live on big TV screens. Despite the cost, I’m looking forward to it, especially since it’s apparently required if one wants to host TEDx events (like our TEDxTerry talks) where there are more than 100 people in attendance. As well, I’ve got a few interesting projects coming up, which will benefit from having a chance to interact with folks much smarter than I.
Anyway, one of the perks of signing up for this conference, is that TED keeps sending me books (I’ve received 7 in the last two months!), and since I cannot possibly keep up with that reading schedule, I thought it would be fun to actually give these books away.
How can you win one? Well, it’s simple, – if you’re local (i.e. to be eligible, you must be able to come by my office to pick it up), leave a comment anywhere on the blog. As I write this, the website has collected a total of 2075 comments. I’m going to pick a random comment (say something less than number 2100), and whoever is lucky enough to leave a comment at that number will win the first book. Oh yeah, it has to be something relatively substantive, although it doesn’t have to be long – you know a proper part of the conversation (if it’s not, I’ll just move to the next comment and so on. This also applies with the local rule).
So what’s the first book? Well, if you enjoyed this talk that we highlighted at TEDxTerry talks, then you might like this book.

O.K. I’m thinking of a number…