To look at Times is to gaze into the void.

—Here’s my first Terry* Blog post!—

I’m a wordy.

I consider my Roget’s Thesaurus a close personal friend. I wait for the perfect opportunity to use a new word. Troglodyte for example.

“Brian! Do your dishes. Ugh…you’re such a troglodyte.”

That’ll be a good day.

When I use these new words in conversation I can articulate the sentiment physically. But in print and online, I need to meet them with an appropriate vehicle for delivery. That’s why typography is one of my greatest passions.

Typography for Lawyers is a useful resource for those who do not know the difference between serif and sans-serif. While the site emphasizes typographic examples to support litigation, the content is easily applicable to academic, resume or business literature.

Easy to navigate, the site provides succinct detail into why you shouldn’t use Times [New] Roman:

“Times is not a font choice so much as the absence of a font choice, like the blackness of deep space is not a color. To look at Times is to gaze into the void.”

The master of the site, Matthew Butterick ­­­­­­— a designer turned lawyer, dismisses my preference for sans-serifs. Despite disagreeing on the grand serifs VS sans-serifs debate, he builds a strong case for good typography. His concern that lawyers aren’t making smart font choices highlights the importance of typography when we draft documents. We write to convince and persuade, but it’s hard to influence a reader when they feel like they are gazing into the void.

So I pose to you Terry readers, what is your favourite font? I’ve already posed this query to my arts and fine arts friends and I’m delightfully curious to hear what science, engineering, international development and other students have to say. How do you communicate your message?

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