DNA fingerprint data for ASIC200 class.

Details can be found here. It’s like quite a few didn’t get a good read on their sample, but, oh well, that isn’t necessarily a strange thing when doing experiments.

And for those of you who would just prefer I tell you your genotype based on the gel above…

1. +/+
2. +/+ (faint)
3. +/- (faint)
4. ?
5. +/+
6. -/-
7. -/- (hard to know for sure though)
8. +/+
9. +/-
10. +/-
11. ?
12. +/-
13. +/+
14. ?
15. -/-
16. ?
17. -/- (faint)
18. +/-
19. +/-
20. ?
21. +/+
22. ?
23. ?
24. +/-
25. -/-
26. -/-
27. ? (odd band pattern)
28. +/+
29. ?
30. ?
31. ?
32. +/+ (faint)
33. +/+
34. +/-
35. ?
36. ?
37. ? (odd band pattern)
38. -/-
39. -/-
40. ?
41. ?
42. +/-
44. ?
48. ? (odd banding pattern)
49. +/+
50. -/-
53. +/-
54. ? (too dark)

43. ?
45. ?
46. ?
47. +/+
51. +/-
52. ?
53. ?
54. ?
55. +/-
56. ?
57. ?
58. +/+
59. +/+
60. +/-
61. ?
62. +/+
63. ?
64. ?
65. -/-
66. +/-
67. +/-
68. ?
69. +/-
70. ?
71. +/-
72. ?
73. -/-
74. +/+
75. ?
76. +/-
77. +/+

Note: there was also one tube where we couldn’t read the label, although it didn’t generate data anyway.

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David (@ng_dave) is Faculty at the Michael Smith Labs. His writing has appeared in places such as McSweeney's, The Walrus, and boingboing.net. He plans on using Terry as another place to highlight the mostly science-y links he appreciates. In fact, if you liked this one, you might also like his main site generally - this can be found at popperfont.net.