Carl Zimmer: NYT science writer and bestselling author is giving a talk at UBC

Carl is giving a free talk courtesy of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum (along with a number of partners including Terry), on November 18th, at 7pm. The lecture will be held in Rm 2 of the Woodward building (that’s the big BIG lecture hall), and is entitled, “The Origin of Species – 1859 Meets 2009” (Free, but registration is required)
This should be a good talk for you evolution buffs, as Carl is one of the best science writers/communicators around these day. In fact, his latest book is an evolution textbook squarely aimed at the layman audience.
This fall, coinciding with the 150th anniverary of the publication of the Origin of Species, Zimmer will be publishing his next book, The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution. Richly illustrated with paintings and photographs, it is the first textbook about evolution intended for non-majors. E.O. Wilson of Harvard praises the book: “The Tangled Bank is the best written and best illustrated introduction to evolution of the Darwin centennial decade, and also the most conversant with ongoing research. It is excellent for students, the general public, and even other biologists.”
He also blogs extensively over at Discover Magazine, where his blog has particular notoriety for collecting pictures of science themed tatoos. Above, for example, is one of serotonin from Chrissy.