Feedback please: Writing a grant for a Terry related project.

Just a really quick post to see if we could generate some feedback. In short, we want to host a student conference one day.
This conference will be an annual event where undergraduates are given a high profile platform to communicate their passions and desires to an audience of their UBC peers. It essentially borrows a template from a well-established conference known as the TEDtalks (, and modifies it for delivery within the UBC setting. Here, the general intent is to bring together the University’s “most fascinating (student) thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives.” Under this context, a single day conference would accommodate 16 nominated student speakers from a wide range of interests and backgrounds. This would provide stimulating content, relevant to a variety of globally relevant issues, that would ultimately foster collaborative efforts and idea sharing amongst the conference attendees. In all, this will strengthen the existing networks responsible for student led initiatives, and in doing so act as a significant catalyst in creating a stronger socially responsible student community.
Basically, I’m in the midst of finishing up a grant proposal for a Terry related event that we can hopefully offer sometime next year. It’s sort of inspired by the TEDtalks conference, which has to be one of the most amazing meetings anyone can ever hope to attend. Anyway, more on TEDtalks later, but for now, I give a hearty recommendation to check the site out (seriously, you can spend several hours at that site).
In short, the grant proposes to host a UBC student centric TEDtalks right here on campus. Here is what TEDtalks is all about, so try to imagine it in the context of our own student community, especially, if we can also host the “prize” element as well (not the cash, but the wish part).
Anyway, the above is the intro to the grant (max of 150 words!). Let me know what you think of the idea.