David Schindler is Coming to UBC
Dr. David Schindler, Killam Memorial Professor of Ecology at the University of Alberta will be giving a seminar at UBC via the Vancouver Institute on Nov 3: “A Life With Pesticides”.
If there were a Nobel Prize for Environmental Sciences, I would surely nominate Dr. Schindler for his achievements (in fact, he won the very first of his field’s very own Nobel-esque prize: The Stockholm Water Prize). His work has influenced environmental policy in North America and abroad. In the late 1960’s, Schindler headed the Experimental Lakes Project – a multidisciplinary long-term study (decades, and going) intended to investigate a number of human-induced changes to the ecosystem. In particular, Schindler’s work is held as an important component in the prodding of government policy to ban the use of phosphates in household detergents and industrial effluent – after demonstrating the pivotal role phosphates play in lake eutrophication. After moving to Alberta in 1989, his ensuing work focused on invasive species, pesticides and nutrient cycling in Alpine lakes, along with the effects of climate change on boreal forests.
“What drives me to do this stuff is seeing all of this good environmental science lying around on shelves in ivory towers that nobody puts into practice.”
Source: pnas.org
That said, don’t miss this opportunity to hear him talk:
Nov 3 @ 8:15 p.m.
Lecture Hall No. 2
Woodward Instructional Resources
See Nick Zagorski’s “Profile of David W. Schindler” in PNAS.
For a quick and dirty rap sheet on his work: NSERC.