Speaker series stuff… (working on it, working on it)
We’re often asked who else are you bringing out for your speaker series, and to be frank, this year it’s been really difficult to nail down the who, the when, and the where. Right now all we can say is that we are trying our best and we have a few leads for the second semester.
Maybe for now, you can take a look at this.

This is our white board wish-list scribbled back in April, as determined by primarily the suggestions from our student team as well as feedback generated through email, discussions, etc (note the amusing reference to Justin Timberlake at the bottom). Seriously though, if you happen to be the niece, nephew, godchild, drinking buddy, etc of any one of these people (or people like this), then that is exactly the sort of information we would love to have to help bring interesting folks out in subsequent years.
Anyway, why don’t we open this post up to further suggestions. And if you have some info on the dude or dudette you’d think would make a great speaker, or even a link, then that would also be great.