Be the artistic designer for the TEDx Terry Talks 2011!

TEDx Bratislava Stage designed by Katarina Cermanova
How many of you have ever gone to a fantastic and well put together event but the stage area wasn’t showcased in a way that you envisioned it in your mind? Well I don’t know about you guys but this has happened to me many times. Presentation is so important when it comes to organizing an event.While the content of the event seems to get a lot of emphasis and effort the stage shouldn’t be forgotten. After all, we don’t want the audience to lose interest! We want people to leave with a different hopefully a better outlook towards the world than they came in with.
This brings me the TEDX Terry Talks. Each year we select 10 innovative speakers who come together for a one day student conference at the Life Science Institute to share a piece of their philosophy with the UBC community. We get excellent responses for what these brilliant minds have to say. This year we want to provide them with a platform that enriches their experience with us.
We are looking for visually artistic student volunteers who can help design a backdrop for the TEDx Terry Talks stage. This is what our stage area has looked like in past conferences. Our vision for the stage is to give it more of TED like characteristics. I have been incredibly inspired by the stage in TEDx Bratislava. The backdrop was beautifully designed by Katarina Cermanova. More pictures of the stage production can be found here.
This could be YOU! If you are interested, have any ideas and or advice share it with me. You can email me